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Upcoming parent classes (classes are taught in person or live on zoom simultaneously, attend as per your preference)

All classes are listed here in Israel time (GMT +2):


starting December 13th Tel Aviv/(with zoom option) Fridays at 9:00am Hebrew


starting December 15th Tel Aviv (with zoom option) Sundays at 19:00 (7pm) Hebrew


starting December 23rd Karmei Yosef Mondays at 18:00 (6pm) Hebrew 


starting January 17th Tel Aviv/(with zoom option) Fridays at 9:00am Hebrew


starting January 19th Tel Aviv/(with zoom option) Sundays at 19:00 (7pm) Hebrew



Come learn HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method.

HypnoBirthing® is a natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing. By learning to release fear and consequently releasing physical tension, the birth experience can be gentle.


This is a program of childbirth preparation which gives a woman practical techniques, exercises, and guidance to relax the mind in order to let the body do its job.


The method offers relaxation, imagery, breathing, positioning, and fostering the family's interconnectedness, along with discussions of birth options and birthing basics.


Couples learn to focus inwards, to trust their bodies and their babies. The result is that participants feel empowered. They are ready to handle the excitement of birth and the birth setting. They are prepared to welcome their new baby gently and joyfully into the world.


**Affiliated with HypnoBirthing International**

Learn more about HypnoBirthing®

Learn more about Pashut Laledet courses in Israel

to contact me for more details

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