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I am proud to be working with many amazing talented birth professionals. Here is some info about my projects and my co-workers


Simply Birthing: The Israeli Center for Relaxed
ChildBirth Preparation by HypnoBirthing®

Simply Birthing is a partnership of Israeli HypnoBirthing® ChildBirth Educators and birth professionals. Founded by Sharon Peled, Rebecca Rosenstein and myself; our community is called Pashut Laledet in Hebrew. We have taken on the project of making gentle natural birth a desirable and viable option in Israel. Visit our facebook page for professional trainings and the website for info about HypnoBirthing® classes for pregnancy and birth, , Hebrew translations of HypnoBirthing materials, and more.


The HypnoBirthing® Institute

I am proud to be a faculty member of the HypnoBirthing® Institute International. Home of the original HypnoBirthing course, HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method was founded by Marie Mongan- teacher and hypnotist. The Institute is a great source for all things HypnoBirthing®. You will find info about practitioners, inspiring birth stories, professional trainings, products for relaxation and more.

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Mind Body Birthkeepers

My newest creative adventure with Gili Levitin!

A training for all birthkeepers who are ready to dive into the mind-body connection as it relates to the childbearing year.

A community of support. A bridge between the scientific/medical approach and the natural/spiritual approach.

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